Monday, September 27, 2010

Good News

Today I'm feeling very blessed and thankful. Everything looked really good with the baby. They couldn't see anything of concern, she looks healthy. The dr said that there are a few conditions that can't be seen on ultra sound, but she is not concerned about them, as they are very rare.
My fluid levels were just up slightly from last week, so hopefully that will not get any worse. They will not try to do an amnio reduction unless I get to the point of not being able to tolerate the high levels of fluid. I am still considered at high risk for premature delivery. I will be getting double checked for gestational diabetes, just in case I have developed that sometime over the last few weeks.
This baby is quite the little chunky monkey. Last Tuesday she was weighing in around 2.14 pounds. Today she weighed in at 3.6 - 3.9 pounds. I will be going back in 4 weeks for a growth scan. Thankfully the baby is head down already, as I could see her running out of room to turn pretty quickly. Thank you for all of the prayers that have gone out for our little one. I don't think we could have received any better news today.


allie said...

That is so great, I have been thinking about you guys!

Shama said...

She is so beautiful! What an amazing ultra sound. So glad to hear that everything is going better