Friday, October 8, 2010

Possible Eviction Week?

30 Week Update
I went in for my appointment on Tuesday and the doctor told me I'm measuring 8 weeks further than I'm supposed to be. He said most of it is due to the extra fluid and only a little bit of it is from the baby being 2 weeks ahead in growth.
He said that if nothing transpires between now and 37 weeks, (like premature labor) he would induce me, as long as the baby's lungs are mature. That way my lungs and kidneys will get some relief. I don't feel like I look huge out in front, but this baby is very high and bothering my ribs quite a bit. It would be nice if ribs came with hinges, I'd like to pop my right side out just a little.
So maybe this baby will get her little eviction notice the last week of November, as I will be 37 weeks the day after Thanksgiving.

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