Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Latest Baby Update

(The following information is from an email that I sent out today.)

I thought I would send off an update from the last two days of doctor's appointments.... The baby thankfully always gets an 8 out of 8 on all the things they have been monitoring her for, which basically means that she looks great and is thriving in the womb. She was weighing in around 7.2 lbs, so she shouldn't be very tiny for coming out a few weeks early.

The one new thing that was seen on Monday, was that her stomach looked a little too small. This has never been mentioned before, so I'm thinking that it was something they were seeing for the first time on Monday. This doesn't mean that the size of her stomach is too small, just means that there wasn't a normal amount of fluid in there to expand it to it's normal size. Her stomach is something they always take a look at, so I'm a little unsure what to make of this. The doctor said it could mean something or could mean nothing....that is the same answer I get for everything there at the perinatologists office and it drives me crazy. Every week a different doctor comes in and gives me their own quick consult on the things that can't be ruled out by sonogram. I find this to be quite unnecessary; do they think that I forget from week to week? I have now met every doctor in that office. I still don't understand why this doctor couldn't have spent an extra few minutes to look up whether this was the first time the stomach looked too small. I'm hoping that was my last time to ever step foot in that office.

The two things that they always love to remind me that they can't rule out are: a narrowing/blockage in the baby's intestines - this would mean that the baby wouldn't be able to poop. Second, a fistula in the baby's esophagus. This would be a hole going from the esophagus into the trachea, which would cause milk to go into her lungs making her not be able to eat. So there is a small chance that the baby could need to have a section of her intestines removed or her esophagus repaired. Both of these conditions can cause excessive amniotic fluid. If she has either of these conditions she would need surgery within the first 24 - 48 hours after being born. I try to keep into perspective that the chances are higher that nothing is wrong, than the possibility of her actually having something wrong. At the same time it's hard to know what to be prepared for, a baby that will come home with us next week or a baby that could be going into surgery. She is still having the irregular heart beat like she was, just at a more spaced out rate. This is not related to anything else though, mainly due to an immature electrical system in the heart.

On to Tuesday's appointment with my regular doctor (who is such a relief to see after the other office). I have dilated a little more, but haven't thinned out anymore. My doctor narrowed down his plans more with with me. Monday morning we will do the amnio to check for lung maturity. They do this by testing the amniotic fluid for certain cells....they do not touch the baby at all with a needle....only me. (Some people have been confused by that.) If we get the results back Mon., we have a baby Tues. If we get the results on Tuesday we have her on Wed.

He discussed in more detail his plans for inducing me. When he breaks my water he will not be removing his hand from inside of me. He will keep his hand there until the fluid stops flowing out and the baby's head comes down and sits on my cervix. He will be feeling the whole time to make sure the umbilical cord has not come out. If the cord does come out, he will push the baby's head up and away from the cord and keep his hand there while someone else performs a c-section. They will have an O.R. booked for me just incase it's needed. He said that once we are past that, he expects that the rest of labor and delivery will take place in a normal manner. I did discuss whether or not a c-section would just be easier to do, and he really felt strongly that it wasn't necessary. He did tell me to not be losing sleep over this situation, that he really feels like everything will be fine and under control. He did say that a team from the NICU will be in attendance when the baby is born to access her condition right after birth. Hopefully everything will check out fine with her and she can stay with me instead of having to go to the NICU.

I'm hoping this will be the last update of this kind and I will just let you know which day we are going to get to welcome this little girl into our lives. I've attached the picture that we got last week of her profile. The sonogram tech told me this week that she thought it looked like we were going to be having a very cute baby...I would have to agree :)

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Sara Moren said...

Jaime, I've had you in my thoughts a lot lately. I pray that your delivery ends up uneventful and that your precious girl is healthy at birth. Can't wait to see updates in the next few weeks!

allie said...

I will be thinking of you guys, best of luck with your delivery. I will be waiting for the news!