Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Little Jumping Bean

Today Mike and I went in for my 12 week ultrasound. The baby was moving all over the place. At first its little arms were waving and then it kept bouncing back and forth, almost like it was kicking its legs and shooting itself went back and forth the entire time the tech was trying to do the ultrasound. It even looked liked he or she had the hiccups! The ultrasound tech said that we have a very active little baby.

Everything looked very healthy and the baby was measuring 3 days ahead of the last ultrasound I had done. The girls are still hoping for a little girl, and Jacob is hoping to increase the male population in our house. I did get one quick glimpse of this little ones genital tubercle and it looked like it was pointing more north than south. All little girl and boy parts start out looking the same, but they do point in different directions.....boys more up....and little girls point more down. So just maybe....Jacob will be getting his wish. It will be fun to find out what this little one actually is next month. We are so thankful that everything is looking really healthy so far.
Above is our baby at somewhere between 12.3 and 12.6 weeks of life. Below are some neat pictures that I found on getty images of a 12 week old baby, so this is what baby McKean would look like if you could take a sneak peek at him or her. For those of you who don't know what the "CRL" means on the little baby ticker over to the right, that means how long the baby is from head to bottom - the crown rump length. They never measure the whole length of a baby until much later in pregnancy. Keep growing healthy and strong little one, we are so excited for you to be joining our family.


Shama said...

I am so happy for your family!

Sara Moren said...

Those pictures are so cool! I'm always amazed that 1 cell goes on to form a beautiful baby! Glad baby is healthy!