Saturday, November 21, 2009

Introducing Gianna Rose

Mike and I were able to go to Santa Monica, CA. last Sunday. Mike had a business trip that he was going on until Thursday in L.A. and it so happened to just be the perfect timing because his sister was having her first baby. So I got to tag along and when we arrived Jenny went into labor. Jenny and I hung out all day together Monday counting contractions. Jenny ended up having a really long labor and after 12 hours of very consistent contractions went to the hospital and was only dilated to 1cm. Her contractions at that point were 2-3 minutes apart and nothing was changing. They admitted her and started pitocin at 3 a.m. and at 8a.m. there was still no change. We were all getting concerned that Jenny was going to end up with a cesarean, and then her body decided to go from 1cm to 10cm in an hour! Jenny was kind enough to let me stay in the room and be a part of Gianna's birth. I think that besides my own children being born, it was one of the neatest experiences I have ever had. So after a long intro, please meet my adorable, beautiful, darling little niece. (Hmm...can you tell I like her just a little?)
Gianna Rose
8 lbs. 3 ozs. 21 1/2 inches
Born Nov. 17th at 10:24a.m.

Jenny, Rob and Gianna

I told you she is darling!!!

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