Friday, June 5, 2009

Breaking Dawn...a little warning

I know that I normally only post about my family, but I just started reading Stephanie Meyer's last book in the Twilight series "Breaking Dawn". I guess I just wanted to warn the mom's out there that this book really is not the greatest book for tweens/young teens to read. In the third book "Eclipse" I was glad that Meyer was having Edward and Bella 'wait to be together' until they were married. In "Breaking Dawn" Bella and Edward get married and there is a little to much detail of their honeymoon experience's together....if you know what I mean. I had no idea this was in the book and kept thinking while I was reading it "I can't believe the girls have read this" over and over in my head. Emily has read the book twice! I'm hoping some of it went over their heads!!!! I'm only a 1/3 of the way through the book and I'm just not thrilled. (I had to tell the girls that they wouldn't be reading it again.) So ladies, just a little warning so your not blushing while reading the book "after" your kids.

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