Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breakin' The Rules

On Friday night Emily kept begging to go over to the elementary school to play on the play ground. I told her no, that I was to tired to go and hang out at the school. So on Saturday the begging began all over again. I kept telling her....maybe a little later today....about 20 times. She finally tells me she really wants to go so she can "break all the play ground rules." I had to laugh at that one....and so off we went.

So she sat where she was not allowed to sit.......

They swung on swings they are not allowed to swing on......

Mikaela swung way to HIGH.....I told her she had to stop because she was freaking me out....

I'm not sure if Jacob broke any rules except for running in the wood chips....which is not allowed...

Doing any type of gymnastics....that's also a no no......

Taking off shoes is forbidden too.....

Mikaela and Emily in front of the middle school they will both officially belong to in another month. (I hope they enjoy their last month of recess they both will ever have....sniff...sniff.)

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