Friday, August 22, 2008

We Have A Swimmer!

So after swim lessons for 3 months, twice a week, Emily can make it across the pool on her own! Yeah for Miss Em!! This past month she has made a lot of progress.

She does a really good job on her back.

Emily started out the month with only being able to hold her breath to the count of 5, and ended the month being able to stay under until the count of 26!!

We are very proud of her for working so hard!

Mr. Jacob bailed out on swim lessons last month. After many tummy aches over the thought of getting into the pool......and a few tears, mom threw in the towel and let Jacob quit. After two months, that boy never once got his hair wet! I read this week that Michael Phelps had a fear of sticking his face in the water when he was first taking swim maybe there is still hope for Jacob! We'll try again next year.

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