Friday, April 1, 2011

4 Months

Kendall, today you are 4 months old. I know I say it every month..... I don't know where the time is going.
You are weighing in around 20 and 1/2 pounds. I hope you will be getting a lot taller soon, because you just may be the chunkiest baby I have ever seen. You get a lot of attention when we are out in public because of how chubby you are. It's amazing how much people like a fat baby.
This has been a LONG month with you. Kind of a cranky month..... You had a UTI infection and are getting ready to get two bottom teeth. You have decided you NEVER want to ride in the car... EVER. You scream your head off the entire time in the car and I am trying my hardest to be patient, but it's getting to be rather annoying. (I wonder if it's illegal to wear ear plugs in the car? I'm assuming yes... ) Could you stop doing that soon please?
Even though you are a stinker in the car, I love you to pieces.
This month you have discovered your hands. In the last 1-2 weeks you have really started to grab a hold of your toys and bring them up to your mouth.
You have done a few little giggles for your mom starting last Friday (3/25).
Emily has started taking you on little walks through the neighborhood and you really seem to like it.
You have also started watching the dogs and seem to find them interesting to watch.
I think I have spoiled you a little by holding you too much, but I can't help myself. I love to snuggle with you. So, the past week I have been trying to make you sit in your little bouncy seat a little more than usual. After all, I do have to pick up our messy house every once in a while.
You did try a little bit of pears last week and ate the little bit that I gave to you. I don't think we are going to start you on food just yet though. I was just curious to see what your reaction would be. You really like to watch us eat....

We all love you a lot and look forward to seeing what the next month has in store for you.