This was the conversation that took place between the two of us:
Trevor: "Who taught you how to cut hair?"
Aunt Jamie: "No one taught me, I've just been doing it for a long time."
Trevor: "Who did you practice on?"
Aunt Jamie: "Mostly your Uncle Mike at first, then I started cutting every one's hair in the family."
Trevor: "Have you ever cut anyone before?"
Aunt Jamie: "No. The only one I have cut is myself."
Trevor: "Oh, okay."
Trevor: (about 1 minute later) "Are you sure you have never cut anyone before?"
This conversation repeated over and over through the whole haircut.....I don't think he believed me. You would have thought I was Edward Scissor Hands or something.
Last night I checked on the boys before I went to bed, this is what I found Jacob doing to Trevor in his sleep. Mike thought I'd wake them up with the flash.....thankfully they slept through me just having to capture the moment.
Sleep tight Mr. McKean and Mr. Layton!