Sunday, October 5, 2008

A McKean Weekend

Up here in the Great Northwest we are headed into 9 months of rain, rain and more rain. Every fall I like to get out any recipe that has anything to do with pumpkins.

So yesterday, I made an old recipe that I got out of a Parade Magazine probably 9+ years ago. (It was President Clinton's favorite recipe/ holiday treat.....Pumpkin Bread.)

The sound of the blender seemed to becken the children to the clean the bowl for me. what the kids have been having a little of with every meal since last night!!!

Some highlights from our weekend include:

- The rain that we have been having since Friday stopped just as we were arriving for Jacob's game.....and didn't start again until the second the ref. blew his whistle that the game was over.

- The kids behaved ALL day yesterday.

- This morning I got to sleep in until 9:45...(that was a small miracle). I got to cuddle with Mike, Jacob, and Zack (the dog). It was nice.

- All was calm until Jacob decided to use his boy claws to make a nice scratch on Emily's forhead. (Ok, so that moment WASN'T a highlight!)

- Jacob finally finished ALL of his homework.

- We got to stay home all weekend (except for Jacob's soccer game).

- Mike did ALL of the dishes for me.....all weekend!

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